Facts & handy tips

Hi Gangstas, in this video we will show you how to wrap knit 1, known as WK1. This is an open stitch perfect for summer garments. Let's get going!

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Step By Step

Step 201


Insert your right needle into the first stitch, as if you were going to knit the stitch.

Step 202


Take the yarn anti-clockwise under the right needle.

Step 203


Now take the yarn anti-clockwise over the left needle.

Step 204


Take the yarn once more under the right needle.

Step 205


Now bring the yarn in between the needles, as you would for a normal knit stitch.

Step 206


Draw the yarn through as for a normal knit stitch and slip the stitch off the left needle.

Step 207


Keep working this way for every stitch on every row to create WK1.

This is how you do it

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